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Technology Users Lists


Technology users have been witnessing a lot of advanced gadgets and convergence that made it possible to merge phone and tablet. Additionally now we see gadgets such as Padfone that incorporates a Smartphone in a tablet to enable the functionality of both gadgets in one. Asus too has come out with its own gadget called, Asus Padfone Infinity. The Infinity was introduced at MWC 2013.


Decades ago, this type of choice was not as imperative, or as relevant. However, technology use has become so pervasive that if we fail to consciously exercise our power of choice today, the automatic impact of technology on relationships will choose for us. The mesmerizing power of the gadget will prevail.


Another problem reported in the article with the use of technology in the classrooms is that many schools spend time to train their staff about how to use a particular technology but it does not train them on "strategies to use them well" (Young). The writer believed that schools should also give small monetary incentives to teachers and professors to attend workshops.


As kids grow up and become teenagers, they require more and more technology. Schools assign teens homework that needs to be done on the computer. There has been an explosion in social networking sites, blogging, and instant messaging. Before you know it, the teen has taken over the family computer.

The developing countries are also making effort to catch up by training their population or making them IT literate. First objective was learning the technique to handle the operating systems available along with the database and other supporting systems upon which the empire of IT application is set up.


IBCConnect brings to you the most precise technology user list to track the right prospects. We have a big repository of technology user list! All the records that we have are genuine and are verified by experts. You can rely on our technology marketing list – this could drastically enhance your return-on-investment.

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